This is the most widely used electrode it is extremely long lasting and highly durable and these electrodes are a staple in DC welding applications. 2% Thoriated Tungsten is best for copper alloys. nickel alloys. titanium alloys and non-corroding steels.Thorium is radioactive; always ensure to follow all warnings instructions and the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for its use.
6402-1000 040″ x 7″
6402-1600 1/16″ x 7″
6402-2400 3/32″ x 7″
6402-3200 1/8″ x 7″
6402-4000 5/32″ x 7″
6402-2402 3/32″ x 3″
6402-3202 1/8″ x 3″