Grade 80 Chain sling calculator

See bottom for detailed instructions on how to use the Chain Sling Calculator
and understanding the description and how to order

Understanding the description and how to order

  1. Select the grade of chain.
  2. Select the size of chain based of the load you need to lift.
  3. Select the length of the legs you require.
  4. Select the number of legs you need.
  5. Select upper side of sling.
    i.e. “S” single and then “O” Master link or “G” Grab etc…
  6. Select lower end fitting.
  7. Select if you want to be able to adjust by adding an “A” (sometimes added at the beginning as above diagram)
Adjustable Style

Grade 100 Chain sling calculator

See bottom for detailed instructions on how to use the Chain Sling Calculator
and understanding the description and how to order

Important instructions – Please read carefully
Here are a few things you will need to understand before using this calculator.

  • Select the Grade and Size from the bottom tabs
  • Enter the length of the leg of the chain sling and press Enter
    (Note: You only have access to the “length field”. Yellow box with the number 1)
  • You will need to call in for Prices
  • Select the type of sling you require
  • Directly beside the picture of the type of sling, you will see how many units you will require
    In the light green cells of each type of sling will be the name of the sling (example: SOS | Call 4 Price)


See bottom for detailed instructions on how to use the steel calculator

Important instructions – Please read carefully

Here are a few things you will need to understand before using this calculator.

  • Select the Type of Steel, ie HR hot rolled or CF cold finish etc., from the bottom tabs
  • Enter the pieces, length in inches, diameter, price per 100lbs and possibly a cutting charge and you will get the total in the green cells.
    Note: Add your numbers into the “yellow input field”. Green is the calculating fields.
    Should you make an error, just hit your refresh button on the browser and everything will reset.

Resources converter





Find max square inside a circle

If you need to find the smallest round bar to get a square or rectangle.

Right Triangle Trig Calculator
Right Triangle Trig Calculator
Fill in two values and press Calculate. The other two values will be filled in.
You may adjust the accuracy of your results.

Side A =  
Side B =  
Side C =  
Angle X =   degrees
Accuracy =